
Self Evaluation

by Kalbir on Wednesday 4 November 2009,

In Year 12 I chose to take Media Studies as I wanted to explore subjects with a focus more on humanities and language as opposed to the 4 scientific/logical subjects I took last year. I must admit, before starting the course I was under the impression that I would have to push myself to be motivated, but thankfully the subject has proved interesting and engaging, and lessons are never bland or dull (well, for the most part anyway).

I would rate myself a 1 (excellent) for Attainment, which may sound surprising, but I have honestly learnt a massive amount in regards to Media this year. I’m able to use keywords effectively, analyse various texts in depth, and I even catch myself thinking about techniques used when, for instance, a bus drives past with a film advertisement on the side of it.

For effort I would rate myself a 3/4 (average/good) because while I do make an effort in class, I must admit that there are certain pieces of homework that I’ve not done on time or not made a complete effort with. Regardless, I do feel that I am putting in enough effort to attain a good grade at the end of the year (don’t quote me on that, just in case)

This is a rather tricky one, as I would rate myself a 1 (excellent) if only my lateness comes into question, in which case I can proudly say that I have yet to be late to a lesson, and instead usually end up being there early.
However, if this includes attendance, I’ll be honest with myself and say that my rating would drop drastically to a 3/2 (average/below average) because of all the lessons I missed last term. In my defence, it was out of my control because I was ill; however it is still an issue.

Submission and quality of homework
In all honestly, I will need to give myself a 3 (average) for this one. I’m pleased with all the work I’ve done so far, as I make an effort to use media terminology and a high standard of English throughout, but I have been late submitting homework on several occasions, especially after being ill. I should be on track soon, but I realise it does not excuse the lateness.

Ability to work independently
I would give myself a 2 (above average) for my ability to work independently because, while I am sometimes slightly lazy I am able to effectively work and can understand key concepts without much guidance.

Quality of writing
I would like to rate myself a 1 (excellent) for my quality of writing (forgive the seeming lack of modesty) as any work I do is written to a high standard of English and I make a conscious effort to use a wide vocabulary and include media terms.

Organisation of blog
I will honestly give myself a 2 (above average) for this, because while some work is missing (unavoidable due to absence) and the blog was rather empty for a while, the posts are clear and concise with all the work I was expected to do there.

Oral contributions in class
Due to more shortcomings in modesty, I would give myself a 1/2 (excellent/above average) for my contributions in class, as I always make an effort to answer questions, I am able to converse effectively with both the teachers and pupils in regards to work, and I sometimes voice opinions regardless of if I’m the only one with said views, which in turn can sometimes spark a (usually heated) debate.

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