

by Kalbir on Monday, 26 October 2009,

The Hollyoaks episode I chose to analyse can be viewed at: http://www.channel4.com/programmes/hollyoaks/4od#2935031

The show follows a non-linear narrative, as the perspective that we as the audience see is not in chronological order, and features several flash-backs/forwards. As Hollyoaks is a ‘soap’, this is rather unique as shows of this nature usually follow a linear timeline.

Because it is a ‘soap,’ there is no single protagonist, which is common for this genre. This allows for many plots turns and twists, as the writers are not confined to the story of a single person. However, because all the characters have common social problems, we as viewers are able to identify with all of them.

This episode in particular includes many action scenes. Because there is no obvious narrative, several techniques are used to inform the audience of the situation. For example, before a particularly intense scene involving a fight, the camera hones in on the characters’ anger, and the music changes to fit the context.

This episode itself has several enigma codes, including characters with questionable motives and backgrounds. This is typical of this genre, as these types of programs aim to keep viewers interested and wanting to tune in next time.

The episode begins in disequilibrium involving the death of a character in a previous episode. However, there is a flash back to beforehand and the episode is in equilibrium for there on.

By the end of the episode the mystery is never really solved, which makes sense as the producers want viewers to watch again to see what happens.

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