
Vladimir Propps - Happy Potter - The Half-Blood Prince

by Kalbir on Monday, 26 October 2009,

The villain — against the hero.

In this book Voldemort is the man villain as his main goal is to kill Harry Potter

The Donor — prepares the hero or gives the hero some magical object.

The donor could be considers as the Half-Blood Prince’s book that Harry makes use of, or Professor Slughorn, who gives Harry a bottle of liquid luck and part of his memory.

The helper — helps the hero in the quest.

The helper in this story is Dumbledore as he guides Harry throughout the book.

The princess — the item or person needs saving

There is no “princess” in this book.

The dispatcher — character who makes the problem known and sends the hero off.

This could once again be Dumbledore

The Hero — reacts to the donor.

Harry Potter for obvious reasons

The False hero — takes credit for the hero’s actions or tries to marry the princess

While there is no ‘false hero’ per-say, it is worth noting that Snape pretends to be good but turns out to be evil.

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